August 2019
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TD Magazine

5 Elements of Boosting Resilience and Beating Burnout

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Resilience is an essential skill in our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous work environments. Resilient people manage transition, stay productive, and continue to learn and add value to organizations even in the face of challenges.

1. Well-being


This encompasses exercise, nutrition, and sleep and knowing how to recharge your batteries and deal with stressors.

2. Self-awareness

Articulating your purpose enables you to proactively align your career with your values. Mindset is about how you react to change. Awareness of personality type provides a basis for being flexible in interactions.

3. Brand

Knowing your brand gives you the confidence and energy to be more visible and proactive in your career. It's not just about defining your unique attributes but also the impact you make in your position.


4. Connection

Cultivate relationships and build a support system of people you can trust.

5. Innovation

Personal innovation—learning something new, expanding your skill set, or trying a hobby—helps you avoid burnout.

About the Author

Beth Benatti Kennedy is principal of Benatti Training And Development.