September 2019
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TD Magazine

In Appreciation

Tuesday, September 3, 2019
In Appreciation

September 9-13 marks ATD Member Week, a time when the Association for Talent Development expresses its gratitude to all its members. So, allow me to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to ATD members for all that they do in supporting, contributing to, sharing, and promoting TD magazine.

TD has long been cited a top member benefit. Indeed, the magazine's readership surveys have repeatedly revealed that a majority of ATD members say that TD is a reason they renew their membership. The magazine is also a reason individuals join the association.


I periodically send new members a note after they join the association, introducing myself and presenting the opportunity to contribute to the magazine—and I often get responses from members who want to learn more. To the not-so-new members, that invitation to write also extends to you.

This month, we will post on the ATD website the magazine's 2020 themes and editorial calendar, so you can go to for that information should you have an interest in writing an article. Subject matter experts—in other words, you and your peers—write the majority of TD content every month, and we are very much open to having new contributors.

Member Week lasts only five days, but that's not to say we're not appreciative year-round. Thanks again!

About the Author

Vanessa St. Gerard is editor-in-chief of TD magazine.