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5 Essentials of People Management

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Employees of managers who routinely practice these behaviors report a better work experience and enhanced engagement and perform at higher levels.

1. Show support and understanding.


Be accessible to employees, listen to their needs, and provide support in daily activities—be friendly, attentive, and empathetic.

2. Provide recognition.

Offer praise for a job well done and give credit for good ideas—and make sure to personalize recognition to the individual.

3. Treat others with dignity and respect.

Consider how you wish to be treated and act the same toward others. Also be respectful of your employees' opinions.


4. Communicate clear expectations.

Define success; be clear about your priorities; and provide timely, honest, and helpful feedback.

5. Reward performance contributions.

Compensate fairly, ensure stretch targets and bonuses are achievable, and offer skills training and support career growth.

About the Author

Jack Wiley has more than 30 years of experience studying what employees most want and what organizational design factors best promote employee engagement, performance confidence, and business success. He is president and CEO of Jack Wiley Consulting and Employee Centricity. In addition to his business ventures, Wiley is the chief scientific officer at Engage2Excel. He is the author of The Employee Centric Manager and RESPECT: Delivering Results by Giving Employees What They Really Want. In 2014, Wiley was awarded the prestigious Professional Practice award by the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology, a lifetime achievement award for outstanding contributions to the practice of industrial-organizational psychology. In addition to being elected to Fellow status in SIOP, he is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science.