Mentoring programs can play a critical role in talent development in any organization. Formal mentoring programs—those that have clear objectives and guidelines—are found in roughly a third of organizations, according to research by ATD. In this webcast, we will discuss common mentoring program structures, benefits, and objectives. You’ll also hear recommendations for developing and strengthening your mentoring programs. You will learn about: -the definition of formal mentoring programs -the effectiveness of formal mentoring programs -the barriers organizations face when creating formal mentoring programs -what type of training is incorporated into formal mentoring programs.

Why Mentoring Matters

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mentoring programs can play a critical role in talent development in any organization. Formal mentoring programs—those that have clear objectives and guidelines—are found in roughly a third of organizations, according to research by ATD. In this webcast, we will discuss common mentoring program structures, benefits, and objectives. You’ll also hear recommendations for developing and strengthening your mentoring programs. You will learn about: -the definition of formal mentoring programs -the effectiveness of formal mentoring programs -the barriers organizations face when creating formal mentoring programs -what type of training is incorporated into formal mentoring programs.

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