Tameka Rushing

Tameka leads Glass Half Full Solutions LLC as its award-winning CEO, transforming managers into inspiring leaders. She also helms Zesty Reads™, e-books, and journals, infusing self-care and growth into everyday life. Her leadership journey is rooted in over two decades of military and corporate healthcare training, where she’s honed a talent for unveiling and nurturing latent leadership potential.
Her approach integrates military discipline with corporate agility, fostering personal growth and learning culture within her teams. Tameka's authored works on self-discovery and growth mindset, combined with her passion for travel, reflect her dedication to continuous personal and professional enrichment.
As a respected veteran with 21 years in the Air Force, Tameka's diverse experiences as a Commandant and Functional Manager for the military’s new leaders enrich her leadership ethos, making her a beacon in the industry for"Forming Leaders. Uniting Teams."

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