December 2023
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TD Magazine

Avoid a Workplace Mismatch

Friday, December 1, 2023

Wrong Fit, Right Fit: Why How We Work Matters More Than Ever
By André Martin
IT Revolution Press, 288 pp., $28

Many people have accepted jobs thinking they made a great choice, only to find out the job or organization was not what they expected. Likewise, employers have hired applicants who look good on paper and interview well but end up being unsuccessful in the role. Why are there such mismatches in the workplace? Often, it's a case of wrong fit; the employee and company just aren't compatible. So, how do you create the right fit?


In Wrong Fit, Right Fit, Martin, an organizational psychologist, contends that "fit is defined as a deep and authentic connection to how a company works day-to-day." Contrary to common thought, Martin says that culture does not drive "right fit."

The author equates creating a right fit with buying a house. When reviewing a house listing, you see wonderful photos that may or may not accurately reflect the property. Similarly, during a job interview, the interviewer only exposes applicants to their organization's positive features. Are the job and organization what they seem? Maybe, but how do you know? Martin provides readers with information and tools to help determine whether an opportunity is a right fit based on extensive research.

This book isn't only for job seekers; hiring leaders can benefit as well. Martin includes tangible actions to hire right-fit employees, including the recommendation to create a realistic job preview, which goes beyond a typical job description, giving the applicant true insight into how the organization operates.


If you're looking for a simple how-to on finding a job or hiring the best employees, this book isn't it; nor is this a passive read. Instead, Wrong Fit, Right Fit presents readers with exercises requiring deep thought and consideration, uncovering how to create a fulfilling career that aligns with their personal beliefs and values. Leaders receive fresh and actionable insights into recruiting, onboarding, and engaging talent.

Make room on your bookshelf; this is a book you will reference often as your career progresses.

About the Author

Denise Hicken is a senior learning consultant with Floyd Medical Center in Georgia. Her career has served her well in this role, allowing her to expand her contributions to the organization. Denise holds a Journalism degree and a master’s in education from the University of Missouri. She earned her CPTD in 2017 and is currently working toward a certification in project management.

Denise has worked in the news industry, banking, and now in healthcare. Her career path has given her a unique insight into the business of healthcare. However, her passion is enhancing culture in the workplace through leadership development. She leads an initiative titled “Culture Conversations” which provides leaders with tools and guidance to hold monthly conversations with their teams on topics which focus on enhancing culture. This initiative was nominated for best “People Focused Initiative” at Floyd in 2018.

She is a contributing author for the ATD Talent Development and Training in Healthcare Handbook.