July 2023
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A stack of shapes (wheel, half circle, small ball, and large ball) balances a seesaw with a large ball at one end and a small ball at the other. The seesaw is off balance and the small ball is in danger of falling.
TD Magazine

4 Ways to Change How You Experience Stress

Friday, June 30, 2023

Stress is inherent to being human. Yet, it doesn't have to be your enemy; it can be your ally. Knowing how to stress wisely is your best line of defense.

1. Seek clarity.


How do you want to feel during the day—calm, steady, capable, productive? Have a desired state in mind.

2. React appropriately.

Every action you take to manage your stress levels is either adaptive or maladaptive. Ask yourself: Is this behavior getting me closer to or farther away from my desired state?

3. Think of stress experiences as doses, and plan accordingly.

Do the stress doses today outmatch your ability to cope? If your day is going to be hard, simplify it however you can.


4. Be honest with yourself.

If you have recurring stressors, address them. Carrying stressful experiences or events into your future robs you of the energy you need to make today count.

About the Author

Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, is an educator and psychology instructor, author, and resiliency expert. Her most recent book is Stress Wisely: How To Be Well In An Unwell World; linkedin.com/in/drrobynehd