August 2020
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TD Magazine

4 Methods to Use Stories to Win People Over

Friday, July 31, 2020

Storytelling is in your DNA. When you tell a story, you become both magnetic and memorable. If you're a sales professional, it's whoever tells the best story who gets the sale. For L&D professionals, it's about making a connection with learners.

1. Turn your case study into a case story.


That will enable you to pull people in versus pushing out information. Storytelling is what makes your pitch or lesson memorable.

2. Be authentic and personal.

Tell your own story of why you love what you do and are enthusiastic about the training or product. People's favorite trainers or reps are those who share their personal mission and passion.

3. Paint a picture of how great life will be afterward.

Describe how the training or product will improve someone's work or life. The resolution is what makes people want to share your story. When that happens, you've made an impact.


4. Make a connection.

If people see themselves in your story, they will want to go on that journey with you.

About the Author

John LIvesay is the author of Better Selling Through Storytelling.