ATD Blog

What’s With the New Name?


Several recent trends affecting business have led many organizations to restructure the training and development function or department. Some have also re-organized the roles and responsibilities of staff involved in training-related initiatives.

Examples of “new branding” include:

  • Training Project Management Office
  • Project Management Office
  • Project Office
  • Learning and Development
  • Learning and Performance Improvement
  • Training and Development
  • Talent Development
  • Performance Consulting.

Has your organization restructured its training department recently—say, in the last 5 years? Share your story, and the top winning submissions will each receive a free copy of my new book Templates for Managing Training Projects.


 We have two questions we would like to ask.

  1. Did you restructure the training function to take on projects outside of “traditional training programs? For example, did the training department take on such initiatives as change management, process improvement, or talent development? If yes (you did take on different training-related initiatives), can you briefly describe them?

  2. Are there any job titles used by your training department not included in the list below? What are the roles and responsibilities? 
  • Animator
  • Career Coach
  • Chief Learning Officer
  • Course Developer
  • Curriculum Developer
  • Education Coordinator
  • E-learning Developer
  • Event and Meeting Planner
  • Facilitator
  • Graphic Artist
  • HR Business Partner
  • Instructional Designer
  • Learning Coach
  • Learning Management System Administrator
  • Learning Strategist
  • Organizational Development
  • Organizational Effectiveness
  • Performance Consultant
  • Presentation Specialist
  • Succession Planner
  • Talent Development Specialist
  • Technical Writer
  • Trainer
  • Training Administrator—Data Entry
  • Training Analyst
  • Training Consultant
  • Training Coordinator
  • Training Director
  • Training Event Coordinator
  • Training Manager
  • Training Officer
  • Training Specialist
  • Video Producer
  • Voice Talent—Narrator.

Please submit your responses to me at by May 17. I will announce the winner of Templates for Managing Training Projects with an update to this blog. 

Also, please join me at ATD 2015 International Conference & Expo May 17-20 in Orlando, Florida. I will facilitating the session “W118 - The Training Project Management Office,” which will focus on how to align the learning and development department of a training organization to support projects more effectively and efficiently.